by Soree KIM | Apr 17, 2024
From all the teachers, students, and staff at Phare Ponleu Selpak: Happy World Circus Day! World Circus Day was founded on 17 April 2009 by the Federation Mondiale du Cirque to celebrate and promote traditional circus arts all over the world – and that includes...
by CHIERN Piseth Samphallyka | Aug 29, 2022
Karona is a 19 year old young man from the Siem Reap countryside. He is a student at the Phare Visual and Applied Arts School and the first recipient of a visual arts scholarship from the Srey Bandaul Art Development Fund. “The things I enjoy the most about Phare...
by PPS Editor | Oct 25, 2021
It’s been more than a year our visual arts students have been on and off school following the government’s protocol as the pandemic spread over Cambodia. We had shown you back then how the first home confinement had provided Phare Ponleu Selpak students...