
ក្នុងខេត្តបាត់ដំបង សាលាជំនាញសិល្បៈសូនរូប គឺជាសាលាសិល្បៈវិជ្ជាជីវៈដំបូងគេបង្អស់ក្នុងផ្នែកនេះ ដែលមានគុណភាពខ្ពស់ ផ្ដល់ជូនគ្រប់យ៉ាងដល់កុមារចាប់ពីថ្នាក់សិល្បៈតូចៗរហូតដល់ការបណ្តុះបណ្តាលជំនាញក្នុងការរចនាក្រាហ្វ្រិច សិល្បៈផ្នែកចក្ខុ និងគំនូរជីវចល។ សាលាជំនាញសិល្បៈសូនរូប ព្យាយាមចូលរួមធ្វើការបម្រែបម្រួលយ៉ាងសកម្មដោយជោគជ័យ រវាងសេដ្ឋកិច្ចកសិកម្មបច្ចុប្បន្ន ឧស្សាហកម្ម និងវប្បកម្មបែបទំនើប ផ្អែកលើសេដ្ឋកិច្ចនៃអនាគតប្រទេសកម្ពុជា។

ការទទួលបានការងាររឹងមាំ និងយូរអង្វែង គឺជាស្នូលដ៏សំខាន់របស់សាលាជំនាញសិល្បៈសូនរូប។ ដើម្បឲ្យប្រកដលើការងារដ៏រឹងមាំសម្រាប់និស្សិតដែលបញ្ចប់ការសិក្សា យើងក៏បានចងសម្ព័ន្ធភាពជាមួយក្រុមហ៊ុនជាង ៥០ នៅជុំវិញប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ព្រមទាំងមានក្រុមហ៊ុន ស្ទូឌីយោបែបច្នៃប្រឌិតហ្វារ នៅក្នុងបរិវេណសាលា។


ក្រោយបញ្ចប់ការសិក្សាសិស្សនៃសាលាជំនាញសិល្បៈសូនរូបទទួលបានអាជីពការងារ១០០% ព្រមទាំងប្រាក់បៀវត្សស្តង់ដារក្នុងទីផ្សារការងារ។​

ក្នុងខេត្តបាត់ដំបង សាលាជំនាញសិល្បៈសូនរូប គឺជាសាលាសិល្បៈវិជ្ជាជីវៈដំបូងគេបង្អស់ក្នុងផ្នែកនេះ ដែលមានគុណភាពខ្ពស់ ផ្ដល់ជូនគ្រប់យ៉ាងដល់កុមារចាប់ពីថ្នាក់សិល្បៈតូចៗរហូតដល់ការបណ្តុះបណ្តាលជំនាញក្នុងការរចនាក្រាហ្វ្រិច សិល្បៈផ្នែកចក្ខុ និងគំនូរជីវចល។ សាលាជំនាញសិល្បៈសូនរូប ព្យាយាមចូលរួមធ្វើការបម្រែបម្រួលយ៉ាងសកម្មដោយជោគជ័យ រវាងសេដ្ឋកិច្ចកសិកម្មបច្ចុប្បន្ន ឧស្សាហកម្ម និងវប្បកម្មបែបទំនើប ផ្អែកលើសេដ្ឋកិច្ចនៃអនាគតប្រទេសកម្ពុជា។

ការទទួលបានការងាររឹងមាំ និងយូរអង្វែង គឺជាស្នូលដ៏សំខាន់របស់សាលាជំនាញសិល្បៈសូនរូប។ ដើម្បឲ្យប្រកដលើការងារដ៏រឹងមាំសម្រាប់និស្សិតដែលបញ្ចប់ការសិក្សា យើងក៏បានចងសម្ព័ន្ធភាពជាមួយក្រុមហ៊ុនជាង ៤០ នៅជុំវិញប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ព្រមទាំងមានក្រុមហ៊ុន ស្ទូឌីយោបែបច្នៃប្រឌិតហ្វារ នៅក្នុងបរិវេណសាលា។


១០០% នៃសិស្សានុសិស្សរបស់សាលាសិល្បៈសូនរូបរកបានការងារដែលមានប្រាក់ខែ ក្រោយរៀនចប់ឆ្នាំទី១។

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ក្នុងរយៈពេល ៣ ឆ្នាំ អ្នកនឹងអាចក្លាយជាអ្នកគូរគំនូរជីវចល អ្នករចនាក្រាហ្វិច ឬសិល្បករសូនរូប!
១០០% នៃសិស្សានុសិស្សរបស់សាលាសិល្បៈសូនរូប សុទ្ធតែរកបានការងារធ្វើដែលមានប្រាក់ខែសមរម្យ។

៣០ សីហា ២០២០

៣១ ខែ សីហា ឆ្នាំ២០២០


+855 (0)12 556 1663/096 700 4615






ដាក់ពាក្យស្នើសុំចូលរៀនតាមប្រព័ន្ធអនទ្បាញ តាមសាអេទ្បិចត្រូនិក ឬតាមទម្រង់ក្រដាស ឲ្យបានមុនថ្ងៃ  ៣១ ខែ សីហា ឆ្នាំ២០២០។


ចូលរួមធ្វើតេស្តចូលរៀននៅសាលាជំនាញសិល្បៈសូនរូប (១០-១១ កញ្ញា ២០២០) -សម្រាប់សិស្សស្នើសុំចូលរៀនថ្នាក់ឆ្នាំទី១ប៉ុណ្ណោះ។


ការប្រកាសលទ្ធផលប្រលងចូលឆ្នាំទី១នៅថ្ងៃទី ១៨ ខែ កញ្ញា ឆ្នាំ២០២០។




ទទួលយកទម្រង់ស្នើសុំ និងកញ្ចប់ហិរញ្ញវត្ថុរបស់អ្នក (ក្នុងករណីតម្រូវ)


ចូលរួមការតម្រង់ទិសមុនចាប់ផ្តើមសិក្សានៅថ្ងៃទី ៣០-៣១ ខែ ធ្នូ ឆ្នាំ២០២០ និងចាប់ផ្តើមចូលរៀននៅថ្ងៃទី ៤ ខែ មករា ឆ្នាំ ២០២១ ។


Today, children of all ages are welcome at VAAS to study visual art as a technical skill, or enjoy casual classes. From kindergarten students attending painting classes, to young adults taking the vocational training, visual arts form the core of the curriculum throughout VAAS.

ថ្នាក់សិក្សាចែកចេញជាបីប្រភេទរងគឺ ថ្នាលវិចិត្រករតូច ថ្នាលវិចិត្រករធំ និងបណ្ដុះបណ្ដាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ។ 

ការចុះឈ្មោះចូលរៀនគឺទទួលសម្រាប់សិស្សានុសិស្សទាំងអស់ អាស្រ័យលើអាយុបណ្ណោះ។

 Thnal Vichetkor Touch
  • For children between 6 and 13-years-old
  • Full week, no class on Wednesday and Thursday
  • Friday to Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. > 11:30 a.m. & 1 p.m. > 5 p.m.
  • These classes are meant for the students to discover their own personality, expressiveness and relationship to the world through art. It is carried out without the pressure of grades, with enjoyment at the center of learning.
  • No grades are given. This class proposes several skill levels that can be achieved step by step, depending on the students’ abilities and commitment.
  • Students can register at any time during the year and attendance in checked. VAAS has an open door policy to reach a greater number of students, eschewing the strict attendance policy of the school to better fit local habits.
Thnal Vichetkor Tom
  • Children over 13-years-old
  • Full week, no class on Monday and Tuesday
  • Wednesday to Sunday: 7:30 a.m. > 11:30 a.m. & 1 p.m. > 5 p.m.
  • This class proposes several skill levels that can be achieved step by step, depending on the students’ abilities and commitment.
  •  Three subjects are taught: drawing, painting and
  • Students can register at any time during the year and attendance in checked.
  • A financial contribution is asked.
Vocational Art Training
The professional program at the Visual and Applied Arts School gives students the skills and experience they need to embark on successful careers in graphic design, animation, or visual art. This is a 24 months program and students must take an entrance examination to enroll. All students are welcome to apply for the program.

This 24 months course, included 2-5 months of internship, gives students the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to find employment in the arts industry. Students can choose from one of three disciplines: visual arts, graphic design, and animation.

Common core
  • Character Design (112h)
  • Perpective (48h)
  • Painting (112h)
  • Drawing (96h)
  • Model (112h)
  • Volume and Structure Anatomy (112h)
  • Sound (12h)
  • Video (128h)
  • Writing (136h)
  • Art History (48h)
  • Art Expression (120h)
  • Motion Graphic (48h)
  • English (64h)
  • Computer (64h)
  • Soft Skill/Life Skill (96h)
Visual Arts
  • Visual Art (384
Animation Specialty
  • Storyboard (112h)
  • Layout (180h)
  • Toon Boom (144h)
  • Photoshop (32h)
  • Color BG (PS) (244h)
  • Animation Traditional (128h)
  • After Effects Compositing (48h)
  • Sound (48h)
  • Animation (192h)
Graphic Design Specialty
  • Graphic Design (48h)
  • Illustrator (156h)
  • Indesign-1 (150h)
  • Illustration (80h)
  • Photoshop (GD) (144h)
  • Packaging (144h)
  • Typography (144h)
  • Photography (88h)
  • Creative Design (84h)
  • Sketch-Up (56h)


  • ការរចនាក្រាហ្វិច ៖ ប្លង់រចនាក្រាហ្វិច ក្រាហ្វិច អត្តសញ្ញាណក្រុមហ៊ុន និង គំនូរវិចិត្រ។
  • គំនូរជីវចល ៖ ទាំងបែបប្រពៃណី និងឌីជីថល 2D
  • សិល្បៈសូនរូប
    • រូបភាព៖ ការគូរ ការផាត់ពណ៌ ការថតរូប និង វីដេអូ
    • កម្មវត្ថុ ៖ វិមាត្រ3D រូបចម្លាក់ និងការរចនា
    • ការសិក្សាពីលំហ ៖ ការតំឡើង ការរៀបចំទីកន្លែង និង ការប្រើប្រាស់ប្រព័ន្ធផ្សព្វផ្សាយផ្សេងៗ


Visual Art Drawings

សិល្បៈសូនរូប ផ្តល់ការបង្រៀនថ្នាក់មូលដ្ឋាន ដែលមានបង្រៀននៅសាលាជំនាញសិល្បៈសូនរូប ខណៈពេលដែលជំនាញនេះក៏ឈរនៅតែឯងជាវគ្គសម្រាប់សិក្សាផងដែរ។ កម្មវិធីសិក្សាវិចិត្រសិល្បៈ គឺជាកម្មវិធីដែលបានដំណើរការបានយូរជាងគេ នៅក្នុងសមាគមហ្វារពន្លឺសិល្បៈ។ កម្មវិធីសិក្សាមួយនេះ បានដាក់ឲ្យបង្រៀនដំបូងគេនៅសមាគមហ្វារពន្លឺសិល្បៈ តាំងពីឆ្នាំ ១៩៩៤។ មុនថ្ងៃដែលសមាគមហ្វារ បានបើកដំណើរការជាផ្លូវការទៀត ស្ថាបនិករបស់យើងបានមកជួបជុំគ្នានៅក្នុងជំរុំជនភៀសខ្លួនក្នុងឆ្នាំ ១៩៨៦ ដើម្បីរៀនគូររូបជាមួយនឹងលោកស្រី Veronique Decrop ។ ធ្វើការស្វែងយល់បន្ថែមអំពីដើមកំណើតដ៏គួរឱ្យចាប់អារម្មណ៍មួយនេះរបស់យើង នៅទីនេះ។

មកដល់សព្វថ្ងៃនេះ កុមារា កុមារី ព្រមទាំងយុវជនគ្រប់វ័យ ត្រូវបានទទួលស្វាគមន៍ជានិច្ច សំរាប់អ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នាមកសិក្សាជំនាញសិល្បៈសូនរូប ដែលជាជំនាញបច្ចេកទេស និងជាថ្នាក់រៀនបែបសប្បាយៗ។ សំរាប់សិស្សថ្នាក់មត្តេយ្យចូលរៀនថ្នាក់គូរគំនូរកំសាន្ដសិល្បៈ និងសិស្សវ័យជំទង់ ពួកគាត់នឹងទទួលយកថ្នាក់បណ្តុះបណ្តាលជំនាញវិជ្ជាជីវៈ។ ជំនាញសិល្បៈសូនរូប បង្កើតឡើងជាស្នូលនៃកម្មវិធីសិក្សានៅទូទាំងសាលាជំនាញសិល្បៈសូនរូប ។

Leisure and Kindergarten

  • For children under 13-years-old
  • Children discover their personality and their relationship to the world through art
  • No grades are given
  • No attendance is taken, to encourage children to return and to adapt to local customs



  • Children 13 and older
  • Courses focus on drawing, painting, and sculpture
  • Attendance is kept

Preparatory Year

  • Children 16 and over
  • This is a one year course for students interested in enrolling in the vocational training program
  • Classes are offered in the mornings and evenings
  • Courses include: model, art expression, art history, color documentary, illustration, drawing, and perspective


Vocational Education & Technical Training

This three-year course gives students the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to find employment in the arts industry. Students can choose from one of three disciplines: visual arts, graphic design, and animation. The fine arts curriculum is as follows:

Year 1:

  • Multidisciplinary year, where students take courses in all three disciplines, alongside a core curriculum
  • Core curriculum includes: model, writing, volume, perspective, Khmer art, art history, color/painting/illustration and photo/video.

Year 2:

  • Students choose their specialization of visual art, graphic design, or animation.
  • Common Core: illustration, communication, photoshop, character design, layout, art history, photography, video, color technique, model structure, English
  • Visual Art Specialization: Art Expression

Year 3:

  • Students complete a two month intership related to their specialty between year 2 and 3
  • First trimester: students follow specialized lessons on skills required for their chosen discipline. Research also begins at this time.
  • Trimester 2 & 3: working with a staff mentor, students complete their own personal projects.
Students who finish a course in the visual art discipline have the skills required to become professional artists, live painters, gallery owners, and more. Past graduates have gone on to open galleries in Battambang, travel to France for art openings, and work as live painters for our social enterprise Phare, The Cambodian Circus in Siem Reap.

Leisure and Kindergarten

  • For children under 13-years-old
  • Children discover their personality and their relationship to the world through art
  • No grades are given
  • No attendance is taken, to encourage children to return and to adapt to local customs



  • Children 13 and older
  • Courses focus on drawing, painting, and sculpture
  • Attendance is kept

Preparatory Year

  • Children 16 and over
  • This is a one year course for students interested in enrolling in the vocational training program
  • Classes are offered in the mornings and evenings
  • Courses include: model, art expression, art history, color documentary, illustration, drawing, and perspective


Vocational Education & Technical Training

This three-year course gives students the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to find employment in the arts industry. Students can choose from one of three disciplines: visual arts, graphic design, and animation. The fine arts curriculum is as follows:

Year 1:

  • Multidisciplinary year, where students take courses in all three disciplines, alongside a core curriculum
  • Core curriculum includes: model, writing, volume, perspective, Khmer art, art history, color/painting/illustration and photo/video.

Year 2:

  • Students choose their specialization of visual art, graphic design, or animation.
  • Common Core: illustration, communication, photoshop, character design, layout, art history, photography, video, color technique, model structure, English
  • Visual Art Specialization: Art Expression

Year 3:

  • Students complete a two month intership related to their specialty between year 2 and 3
  • First trimester: students follow specialized lessons on skills required for their chosen discipline. Research also begins at this time.
  • Trimester 2 & 3: working with a staff mentor, students complete their own personal projects.
Students who finish a course in the visual art discipline have the skills required to become professional artists, live painters, gallery owners, and more. Past graduates have gone on to open galleries in Battambang, travel to France for art openings, and work as live painters for our social enterprise Phare, The Cambodian Circus in Siem Reap.


The Phare animation program at VAAS brings together basic drawing skills with illustration and design to create beautiful 2D films. Students in the vocational training program have the opportunity to create their own animation film, giving them the portfolio and skills needed to enter the field as professionals.

Preparatory Year

  • Students 16 and over
  • A one year course for students interested in enrolling in the vocational training program
  • Classes are offered in the mornings and evenings
  • Courses include: model, art expression, art history, color documentary, illustration, drawing, and perspective

Vocational Education & Technical Training

This three-year course allows students wishing to become professional artists to gain the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to find employment in the arts industry. Students can choose from one of three disciplines: visual arts, graphic design, and animation. The animation curriculum is as follows:

Year 1:

  • Multidisciplinary year, where students take courses in all three disciplines, alongside a core curriculum
  • Core curriculum includes: model, writing, volume, perspective, Khmer art, art history, color/painting/illustration and photo/video.
  • Introduction to animation is taught in year one, encompassing the basics of character design and illustration.

Cambodian Animation Student

Year 2

  • Students choose their specialization of visual art, graphic design, or animation.
  • Common Core: illustration, communication, photoshop, character design, layout, art history, photography, video, color technique, model structure, English
  • Animation Specialization: animation, flash, storyboard, after effects

Year 3

  • Students complete a two-month internship related to their specialty between year 2 and 3
  • First trimester: students follow specialized lessons on skills required for their chosen discipline. Research also begins at this time.
  • Trimester 2 & 3: working with a staff mentor, students complete their own personal projects.

Phare animation students graduate with a portfolio including at least one animation film of their own creation, as well as skills and knowledge to work as a professional in 2D animation studios around the world. Graduates have gone on to become teachers and to work with our professional animation and design studio: Phare Creative Studio.


 graphic design

With the opening of the design studio Sonleuk Thmey in 2009, Phare Ponleu Selpak incorporated education on graphic design into its art classes in Battambang. Today, in the Visual and Applied Arts School, Graphic Design is part of the curriculum of the preparatory course, and  is a main discipline within the Vocational Education and Technical Training.

Preparatory Year

  • Children 16 and over
  • A one year course for students interested in enrolling in the vocational training program
  • Classes are offered in the mornings and evenings
  • Courses include: model, art expression, art history, color documentary, illustration, drawing, and perspective

Vocational Education & Technical Training

This three-year course allows students wishing to become professional artists to gain the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to find employment in the arts industry. Students can choose from one of three disciplines: visual arts, graphic design, and animation. The graphic design curriculum is as follows:

Year 1:

  • Multidisciplinary year, where students take courses in all three disciplines, alongside a core curriculum
  • Core curriculum includes: model, writing, volume, perspective, Khmer art, art history, color/painting/illustration and photo/video.
  • Introduction to animation is taught in year one, encompassing the basics of character design and illustration.

Year 2Cambodian Animation Student

  • Students choose their specialization of visual art, graphic design, or animation.
  • Common Core: illustration, communication, photoshop, character design, layout, art history, photography, video, color technique, model structure, English
  • Animation Specialization: animation, flash, storyboard, after effects

Year 3

  • Students complete a two-month internship related to their specialty between year 2 and 3
  • First trimester: students follow specialized lessons on skills required for their chosen discipline. Research also begins at this time.
  • Trimester 2 & 3: working with a staff mentor, students complete their own personal projects.

Phare animation students graduate with a portfolio including at least one animation film of their own creation, as well as skills and knowledge to work as a professional in 2D animation studios around the world. Graduates have gone on to become teachers and to work with our professional animation and design studio: Phare Creative Studio.

Year 1:

  • Multidisciplinary year, where students take courses in all three disciplines, alongside a core curriculum
  • Core curriculum includes: model, writing, volume, perspective, Khmer art, art history, color/painting/illustration and photo/video.
  • Introduction to Graphic Design is taught in year one, encompassing the basics of Adobe photoshop, indesign, and illustrator.

Year 2

  • Students choose their specialization of visual art, graphic design, or animation.
  • Common Core: illustration, communication, photoshop, character design, layout, art history, photography, video, color technique, model structure, English
  • Graphic Design Specialization: Illustrator, Packaging and Labelling, Indesign, Typography

Year 3

  • Students complete a two-month internship related to their specialty between year 2 and 3
  • First trimester: students follow specialized lessons on skills required for their chosen discipline. Research also begins at this time.
  • Trimester 2 & 3: working with a staff mentor, students complete their own personal projects.

 The graphic design course at VAAS has quickly become one of the most popular programs on the Phare Ponleu Selpak Campus in Battambang. Graduates of this course have gone on to be successful freelance designers, in house designers, and teachers around Cambodia. Graduates can also find employment with Phare’s newest social enterprise: Phare Creative Studio.


Beginning classes at VAAS are divided into two subcategories, Leisure and Drawing Academy. Enrollment is free and open to all, depending only on the age of the student.

  • Children from 6 to 13 years
  • 2 hours per session
  • Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. > 10 a.m. & 2 p.m. > 4 p.m.
  • Children over 14 years
  • 3 hours per session
  • 5 days/week: 8 a.m. > 11 a.m., 5 p.m. > 8 p.m.
  • One year program for students interested in enrolling in the vocational education & technical training
  • Open to students ages 16 up
  • Day classes in the morning
  • Night classes allow students working day shifts and students enrolled in university classes to attend
  • List of classes: Model, Art Expression, Art History, Color Documentary, Illustration, Drawing, Perspective
  • One year program for students interested in enrolling in the vocational education & technical training
  • Open to students ages 16 up
  • Day classes in the morning
  • Night classes allow students working day shifts and students enrolled in university classes to attend
  • List of classes: Model, Art Expression, Art History, Color Documentary, Illustration, Drawing, Perspective
Vocational Education & Technical Training
The professional program at the Visual and Applied Arts School gives students the skills and experience they need to embark on successful careers in graphic design, animation, or visual arts. This is a 3 year program and students must take an entrance examination to enroll. All students are welcome to apply for the program.

Year 1

  • The first year is multi-disciplinary, focusing on graphic design, animation, and visual arts with additional common core classes
  • For year 1, half of the total class time is devoted to core disciplines, and half to specialty subjects
  • Coursework is divided into 32 hours of classes per week and 10 hours of personal work
  • Classes include: Graphic design, Animation, Art Expression, Model, Creative Writing, Storyboard, Illustration, Art History, Khmer Art, Photography and Video, Color Documentary, Painting, Volume, Drawing, Computer, Perspective, English
  • At the close of Year One students must declare their focus discipline for years Two and Three

Year 2

Students focus on only one of three disciplines: animation, graphic design, or visual arts.

  • Students specialize on the discipline of their choice and continue studying a few common core subjects
  • Two thirds of the total hours focus on specialty subjects and one third on core subjects
  • Coursework encompasses 29 hours per week, with 15 hours of personal work expected


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Common core
  • Illustration
  • Art Expression
  • Communication
  • Photoshop
  • Character design
  • Layout
  • Art History
  • Photography and Video
  • Color Technique
  • Model Structure
  • English
Visual Arts
  • Art expression
Animation Specialty
  • Animation
  • Flash
  • Storyboard
  • After Effects
Graphic Design Specialty
  • Illustrator
  • Packaging and Labeling
  • InDesign
  • Typography
Your Title Goes Here
Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.
Common core
  • Illustration
  • Art Expression
  • Communication
  • Photoshop
  • Character design
  • Layout
  • Art History
  • Photography and Video
  • Color Technique
  • Model Structure
  • English
Visual Arts
  • Art expression
Animation Specialty
  • Animation
  • Flash
  • Storyboard
  • After Effects
Graphic Design Specialty
  • Illustrator
  • Packaging and Labeling
  • InDesign
  • Typography

Year 3

  • Before year 3, students complete a two-month internship related to their discipline
  • During the third year, students complete a final personal project to showcase their skill and professionalism
  • Trimester 1: allows students to follow specialized lessons and begin researching for their personal project
  • Trimester 2 + 3: Students develop and finalize their personal projects




Students who have little or no experience in drawing can apply for our Preparatory Class and, if accepted, study for free. We want the arts to be accessible to all Cambodians, so we cover the costs of this year, which prepares students for the vocational training program.

The three-year VAAS Vocational Program is worth $6000.

It costs approximately $2000 per year in direct school costs to educate one student. In addition to qualified teachers, a student at VAAS has access to excellent facilities, including: 40+ computers with graphic design and animation software, professional cameras and equipment, fully equipped photo studio and sound studio, art materials, and an art library.

Our school aims to be open to all students and operate as a non-profit school. We receive some support and subsidize costs so that the annual fee for our Vocational Program is reduced to $720.

While students are expected to invest in their own education, there are several options for students to pay under the Financial Aid Program.

My family can afford to pay the full fees

  • Apply and pass the Entry test
  • Register as a “full-fee” student
  • Pay $720.0USD to VAAS*
  • Begin study

My family can not afford to pay the full fees

  • Apply and pass the Entry test
  • Complete a Family Assessment
  • Agree to Financial Aid Package
  • Begin study, pay back VAAS with Financial Aid options


Students who have little or no experience in drawing can apply for our Preparatory Class and, if accepted, study for free. We want the arts to be accessible to all Cambodians, so we cover the costs of this year, which prepares students for the vocational training program.

The three-year VAAS Vocational Program is worth $6000.

It costs approximately $2000 per year in direct school costs to educate one student. In addition to qualified teachers, a student at VAAS has access to excellent facilities, including: 40+ computers with graphic design and animation software, professional cameras and equipment, fully equipped photo studio and sound studio, art materials, and an art library.

Our school aims to be open to all students and operate as a non-profit school. We receive some support and subsidize costs so that the annual fee for our Vocational Program is reduced to $720.

While students are expected to invest in their own education, there are several options for students to pay under the Financial Aid Program.

My family can afford to pay the full fees

  • Apply and pass the Entry test
  • Register as a “full-fee” student
  • Pay $720.0USD to VAAS*
  • Begin study

My family can not afford to pay the full fees

  • Apply and pass the Entry test
  • Complete a Family Assessment
  • Agree to Financial Aid Package
  • Begin study, pay back VAAS with Financial Aid options



Financial Aid is a new initiative that ensures VAAS’ vocational program is accessible to ambitious students in Cambodia, regardless of one’s social or economic background. The two streams of financial aid include scholarships and pay-back options.

Who can receive Financial Aid?

To be eligible for Financial Aid, students must be Cambodian, from a low-income family, and registered at VAAS in the 3-year professional program. PPS’ Social Support Department will conduct a Family Needs Assessment to determine the level of financial aid.

Students enrolled in Preparatory Class do not need to pay fees and are therefore not eligible for Financial Aid. Scholarships and financial aid packages become available when students enter the professional program and need to start paying annual fees.


Students from low income families may receive a partial or full sponsorship that will reduce their annual school fee. A Family Assessment conducted by our Social Support team will determine the scholarship amount.

Students may also seek scholarships from non-governmental organizations or other sources. Once the scholarship amount has been deducted from the $720 fee, the student and their parents or guardians can use our “pay-back options” to pay the remaining fee. If a student is not eligible for a scholarship, they may still be eligible for a Financial Aid package.

Financial Aid Package
Monthly contribution: a student’s family or guardian can pay what they can afford every month, such as $10 per month.

  • Work on campus: a variety of job opportunities are available on campus; students can pay by working for a set number of hours.
  • Loan: students can pay back a non-interest loan when they graduate and start earning income. Terms and conditions apply.

*Examples of Financial Aid

Financial Aid Package

Financial Aid Package

Financial Aid Package


Student Loan

Campus Work

Step by step fees


Student 1



$220 / hours


Student 2



$100 / hours

$180 ($15 x 12)

Student 3



$200 / hours

$360 ($30 x 12)


Student 4



$220 / hours

$500 ($250 x 2 )

Student 5




$720 ($180 x 4)

$720 ($180 x 4)

Every family’s situation is different. For families that can pay a higher “monthly contribution”, the student will have fewer hours to work and no loan. To cater for everyone’s situation, PPS’ Social Support team will work closely with each family to create a Financial Aid Package.

Students currently living outside Battambang are encouraged to apply to VAAS. If accepted, we will support you to find local accommodation and settle into Battambang. Students eligible for financial aid may also receive financial support to pay for accommodation and living expenses.

Support for students enrolled in the VAAS Preparatory Class Some students in the Preparatory Class may be eligible for social support (i.e. free lunches, funds for materials etc.). A Family Assessment will determine the level of support.

How do I apply for Financial Aid?

1. Apply

VAAS Vocational Program: choose “financial aid” in your application and provide details on your situation

2. Assess

Family Needs Assessment: Social Workers will visit your household to collect economic and social information

3. Accept

– Financial Aid Offer: the student and their family or guardian will review the options (above) for paying their school fees.

– Financial Aid Commitment Letter and Agreement


  • Leisure Classes are open to all children between the ages of 6-12 years.
  • Academy Classes are open to all children and adults.
  • Preparatory Classes are open to anyone 16 years of age or older. It is recommended to complete this one-year program before applying for the Professional program.
  • Vocational Education & Technical Training is open to all interested students over the age of 17. Students must pass the entrance examination to enroll.

The entrance examination for the Vocational Education & Technical Training consists of:

  • Drawing test (live model)
  • Artistic expression (subject given)
  • Redaction writing (image analysis)
  • Oral interview with the juries (comments on artistic expression test, personal portfolio and motivation)


The Visual and Applied Arts School prides itself on preparing students for exciting careers in the fields of graphic design, animation, or visual art. Students who complete the three-year vocational training course will have the skills and experience necessary to enter the job market with confidence.

Career Development at VAAS
  • 2 month internships at the end of year two
  • creation of print/online portfolios, video presentations, & business cards
  • Interview training & support
  • Access to a professional Job Facilitator
  • Access to VAAS network of partner companies, organizations, and individuals

To create professional opportunities for graduates, Phare Ponleu Selpak opened the social enterprise: Phare Creative Studios, a graphic design and animation studio catering to clients within Cambodia and the international community.

Furthermore, in 2016, VAAS students interned with the following organizations:

Place of internship
Graphic Design Tonlé design (Zero waste fashion company)
Animation Camant (Animation Studio)
Visual Arts Romcheik 5 & Petra Studio (Art galleries)
Visual Arts Petra Studio (Art Gallery)
Graphic Design Pkay Pich (Graphic design solutions)
Graphic Design Sipar (Literacy NGO)
Graphic Design Nature Publishing House
Graphic Design Bric-A-Brac (Hotel & Crafts shop)
Graphic Design Blue Elephant (GD & animation studio)
Animation Blue Elephant (GD & animation studio)
Graphic Design Eccho line Production (TV production)


  • 13 professional teachers
  • The team is responsible for the technical and artistic training of all the students. They are involved in curriculum development under the direction of educational leaders.
  • Technical and pedagogical training is offered regularly by expert outside consultants.
  • Teacher training: Many of our teachers are graduates of the Pivaut Nantes MJM school in Rennes, France.

Sou Sophy

Khmer art / Color

Since I was a child, I have always been sensitive to artistic things, and my father encouraged me to attend the class at PPSA in 2004. 6 years later, I had the opportunity to complete my skills by teaching traditional painting. The new curriculum will make it easier to follow the progress of our students and bring them to the level needed for their professional future.

Kou Kunthea

Perspective / Painting / Drawing

I’ve known PPSA since 2001. Studying at a private school was too expensive and PPSA was the only organization to provide art training for free. After 3 years of study I became a volunteer teacher.  Our aim is to schedule and prepare lessons in order to bring students further in their professional lives.

Chea Dara

Animation / Drawing

I’ve known PPSA since 2004 through my sister. At first I only wanted to learn some simple things, but later on I became really interested in the lessons. I work for the animation studio and I specialize in flash animation. I would like to share my experience and technical knowledge with students.

Buth Sunrin

Graphic design / Illustration / Graphics

I found PPSA through my neighborhood. I started to learn how to draw on my first day at PPSA. I joined Sonleuk Thmey in 2009. We are now in a new project involving the graphic design school and animation studio. I hope that I have the capacity to share all my experiences and knowledge with the students of the next generation. I want to help the students to improve their skills, build their self-confidence, and find good jobs.

Chea Serey Roat

Graphic design / Illustration / Volume

I started taking drawing lessons at PPSA in 2005 and finished in 2010. I continued my studies in graphic design at BIT school. I returned to PPSA and worked and trained at Sonleuk Thmey. I want to pass on all my knowledge to my students.

Norm Phanith

Animation / Perspective / Graphics

I started at PPSA in 2003 and became a part of the animation studio in 2007. As teachers of the new Visual and Applied Arts School in Battambang, we would like to teach and pass on our knowledge to students of the next generation, to improve their skills, to enrich and expand the graphic design and animation field towards international standards.

Chim Lik

Animation / Drawing

I studied drawing for 4 years, and then worked at 1000hands animation studio for two years. I would like to share my experience working on the different projects of animation movies within the studio.

Yuom Sokoeurt

Animation / Drawing

I’ve known PPSA since 2004. I started working in animation as an animator assistant after my 4 years of drawing classes. Now, I am a studio employee working as a flash animator and I am involved in teaching all my knowledge to the students.

Dam Soeurt

Perspective / Animation / Graphics

I’ve known PPSA since 2003 through my brother. I started working in animation in 2007 as a background color designer. I would like to share all of my experiences in animation with students to give them the opportunity to gain even more knowledge than I have.


What do they Say?



What do they Say?

KAN Chanthorn, Animation Student

I am a student in Animation class and I believe in my ability to work locally in Cambodia. I have the opportunity of a career in the arts and the ability to freelance, choosing and prioritizing a job based on my interest. Young people should study at PPS because students will become professional artists based on the skill that they have selected. I am confident that I can get a good job after graduation.

SON Sreyneang, Animation Graduate

I am very happy at VAAS, I feel like it is my home and I feel very welcome. Teachers are high quality and I can choose my skill, there are a lot of skills to choose from. A creative job in Animation is a very rare skill in Cambodia, which means that when you know this skill you are a priority in the job market. It is also a job that I love and I never feel bored. I want more students to join the program. It would be good to have more students in the next generation of artists.

LIM Sreyleang, Graduate and Freelance Designer

I began my career in design while I was also in accounting school. Once I finished my degree at university, I came to VAAS full time. When I came here for the first time, I found my family, not just friends. We study together, we do everything together. When we have problems we always sort it out. It is not just the skill that you study and find a job. It is a job of talent. When you have freedom to go outside the lines, you will create something new.
Can I skip the Preparatory Class and go straight to Year One?
Yes, if you achieve a high score on the Admission Test you can skip Preparatory Class and go straight to Year One of Vocational Education and Training Program. If you would like to go straight to year One, you must show examples of your artwork during the oral examination (paintings, drawings, sketches, sculpture, photography etc.). In the oral examination, you will need to talk about your art and why you want to study at VAAS.
Do I need art experience to apply at VAAS?
No, you just need to be interested and excited to apply! If you have no experience, you can join the one-year Preparatory Class and then apply for the vocational training program.
Is the Vocational Training recognized by the Cambodian Ministry of Education?
PPSA Visual and Applied Arts School choose to implement a specialized curriculum that will prepare students with the most up-to-date skills and abilities. As we do not follow the Cambodian Ministry of Education curriculum, the Ministry does not formally recognize our certificate. However, Phare Ponleu Selpak operates under the guidance of the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts and has an MOU signed with them. In addition, close collaboration with the Provincial Departments and authorities is maintained. The Provincial Governor always attends our Graduation Ceremonies and commends our students for their achievements. You can be confident that a VAAS certificate will be adequate for starting your career in the visual arts, graphic design and animation industries.
I do not live in Battambang now, but I want to study at VAAS. What can I do?
You are encouraged to apply to study at VAAS and attend the entry examination. You may be eligible for Financial Aid, either or both for tuition and living, which would allow you to gain support to live in Battambang for the duration of the program. Please contact us and we can provide more advice directly.
Can I earn income while studying?
Yes, students can work if they continue to pass all their tests and complete their coursework to
a satisfactory standard. The school is generally open from 8am – 5pm, so students have time
in the evenings and on weekends to work at their choice. In addition, a variety of work
opportunities are available on campus and through the school’s social enterprise – Phare
Creative Studio. Many VAAS students even begin to earn income from their creative skills (i.e.
graphic design, commissioned painting, hostels and hotels, murals etc.)
Are families involved in study?
A community (liaison) book has been set up to link the school to families and tutors. Absences, achievements and events are tracked in this book. Families or tutors are asked for regular signatures to ensure the students get maximum support in their studies. At the beginning and end of the school year, we hold Parent Meetings to share information between the school, students, and parents. During these meetings, your families may raise any concerns you have.
Can students with disabilities study at VAAS?
VAAS believes that disabled learners have the right to study with non-disabled learners as much as possible. VAAS strives to cater to all learner’s needs on a case by case basis. Please enquire with our Social Support department for more information.
Students currently living outside Battambang
Students currently living outside Battambang are encouraged to apply to VAAS. If accepted, we will support you to find local accommodation and settle into Battambang. Students eligible for financial aid may also receive financial support to pay for accommodation and living expenses.
Why should I move to Battambang for study?
  • Cambodia’s creative city: Battambang is home to many art galleries, boutiques, and creative experts. The architecture in Battambang has been influenced by the French, so you will enjoy walking around our beautiful town.
  • Relaxed and quiet: Battambang has all the necessary facilities, restaurants and attractions without the busy traffic and city noise.
  • Safety: Battambang has a low crime rate, making it a great city for students to live.
  • Welcoming school: When you join VAAS, you become part of Phare Ponleu Selpak’s creative family. At PPS you can make friends with like-minded creative people and get to know students and staff from different disciplines (performing arts, music, theatre etc.)
  • Unique Education: VAAS is a leading school for animation, graphic design, and animation. Our graduates are sought after by employees across Cambodia and internationally. If you want to work in the creative industries, VAAS will offer the most up-to-date training.